SSRR, Inc.
c/o Linda Whigham
SSRR Treasurer
PO Box 21133
White Hall, AR 71612
You can also use PayPal to donate by clicking
(PLEASE NOTE Anoki Memorial Fund) somewhere on payment!
Listed below are the Friends of Anoki and Becky
Dee Pennington
Renice Zimmerman
Tonya Alexander – In memory of Anoki from
Lacey and Baby Bane too
len Beaulieu
Briggett Miller
Stefani Melvin
Katrin Sexton
Sue Campbell
Michael McAndrew
Theresa Bryant
Greg & Maria Zannini
The Rotties @ Camp James in Florida
Angela Smith
Juanita McCay – “In memory of my Granddog”
Casie Wood
Robert and Kimberly Smith – “In memory of Nya”
God speed, Anoki……
The Reason
I would have died that day if not for you.
I would have given up on life if not for your kind eyes.
I would've used my teeth in fear if not for your gentle hands.
I would have left this life believing that all humans don't care.
Believing there is no such thing as fur that isn't matted,
skin that isn't flea bitten, good food and lots of it,
beds to sleep on, someone to love me, to show me I deserve love....
because I exist.
Your kind eyes, your loving smile, your gentle hands,
Your big heart, saved me....
You saved me from the terror of the pound,
Soothing away the memories of my old life.
You have taught me what it means to be loved.
I have seen you do the same for other dogs like me.
I have heard you ask in times of despair "why you do it".
You open your heart a little bigger,
stretch the money a little tighter, make just a little more room....
to save one more like me.
I tell you with the gratitude and love that shines in my eyes
In the best way I know how
Reminding you why you go on trying.
I am the reason, the dogs before me are the reason,
as are the ones who come after.
Our lives would have been wasted, our love never given,
We would die...if not for you.
Author Unknown
To help other dogs like Anoki….
SSRR is non profit 501(c)3 organization. Your donation is tax deductible.
All donations are used to further our rescue and educational efforts.
or Mail donations to:
SSRR, Inc.
c/o Linda Whigham
SSRR Treasurer
PO Box 21133
White Hall, AR 71612
For more information, please visit our
Available Dogs
We Have A Secret….
We have a secret, you and I,
That no one else shall know,
For who, but I can see you lie,
Each night, in fire glow?
And who but I can reach my hand
Before we go to bed,
And feel the living warmth of you
And touch your silken head?
And only I walk woodland paths,
And see, ahead of meYour spirit racing with the wind,
So young again, and free.
And only I can see you swim
In every brook I pass.
And, when I call, no one but I
Can see the bending grass.
- Author Unknown